International Travel
Traveling with your beloved pet can be a daunting task, given that different countries have their own distinct requirements for permits and paperwork. This is particularly true for nations like New Zealand, Japan, Hawaii, and the UK, which boast “rabies-free” status and may mandate several months of meticulous planning before embarking on your journey.

International Travel
Traveling with your beloved pet can be a daunting task, given that different countries have their own distinct requirements for permits and paperwork. This is particularly true for nations like New Zealand, Japan, Hawaii, and the UK, which boast “rabies-free” status and may mandate several months of meticulous planning before embarking on your journey.
To make the process easier, we suggest following these three simple steps before your appointment at Point Grey Veterinary Hospital:
- Contact the embassy or consulate of the country you’re traveling to and inquire about the current importation requirements for pets.
- Speak with the airline you’re planning to use as some may have restrictions on carrying certain breeds of pets or require specific kennels for transport.
- Contact the Canadian Food Inspection Authority (CFIA) for the necessary export documentation, and schedule an appointment with a government veterinarian at the CFIA to sign the certification once it’s completed by your vet.
The CFIA office in Burnaby caters to pets traveling in Vancouver and Richmond, and you can reach them by phone or email.
For complete guidance throughout the process, we recommend contacting Worldwide Animal Travel (, who can assist with the above steps. For more information on exportation documents, you can visit the CFIA website here.
New Clients Planning To Travel
At this time, we do not offer export exams for new clients. This is due to the challenges of performing export exams without having an established relationship or complete medical records for your pet.
If you are a new client and wish to proceed, you will need to book a regular exam with one of our veterinarians before scheduling an export exam.
Why is a new client exam required for export services?
- It helps us build a client-patient relationship with you and your pet.
- We conduct a thorough physical exam to ensure your pet is healthy and fit for travel.
- We review your pet’s medical history, including any existing conditions or medications, to address anything that might impact travel.
- We can discuss calming options for your pet’s journey.
- We ensure all required travel documents are in order.
- We verify your pet’s vaccination history and parasiticides for any specific requirements for your destination.
- If required, we check your pet’s microchip and can implant one if it’s needed for travel.
- If required, we perform blood tests to meet travel regulations.