At Point Grey Veterinary Hospital, we love sharing information and educating our clients! Check back frequently for new posts containing helpful pet information!

Monthly BLOG: My Dog is Scared of Thunder
Thunderstorm anxiety is a difficult, and often frightening, problem for dog parents to handle. A dog afraid of thunder can have a variety of reactions, from mild to extreme. Dogs may pant, whine, bark, hide, tremble, pace, spin, scratch and/or paw at windows and...

Monthly BLOG: 5 Reasons Why Pet Obesity Is a Serious Problem
Obesity is our pets’ number one health threat. Today’s dogs and cats are living longer than ever before. Unfortunately, they’re also heavier than ever and have more costly chronic diseases. The good news is that many pet illnesses can be prevented. The bad news is...

Monthly BLOG: Pica- Stress Eating In Dogs
Pica is a condition in which dogs crave the ingestion of unnatural food sources. While it may seem unusual, it’s actually fairly common. Lucky, a two-year-old yellow Lab, was repeatedly swallowing cloth and socks. His veterinarian, Dr. Janice Huntingford, knew some...

Monthly BLOG: Giardia in Cats
Giardia is a microscopic parasite that causes the illness known as giardiasis. Giardia is contagious. It’s found on contaminated surfaces, in soil, or on food or water that has been contaminated with feces (poop) from infected humans or animals. What can giardia cysts...

MONTHLY BLOG: What Does Your Dog’s Urine Color Mean?
Liquid gold. That’s the nickname for urine I was taught in veterinary medical school. We learned urine could provide us with such valuable insight into a patient’s health, that it was worth its weight in gold. We also learned that the color and consistency of urine,...

Tips for Getting Your Cat to the Vet
There are more cats in American homes than dogs, yet despite their popularity, the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) reports that cats are brought to the veterinarian less often than dogs. Why is this true? Don’t cat parents love their pets as much as dog...

End-of-Life Care and Euthanasia for Dogs
Unfortunately, our aged and informed dogs rarely simply pass away peacefully and comfortably in their sleep. In most cases we, their human family, must face difficult end-of-life decisions on their behalf. We are forced to become extraordinary medical advocates for...

Monthly BLOG: 5 Tips to Protect Your Dog This Holiday Season
Well, here we are again. While it seems we were just preparing for summer vacation, it’s the holiday season already. The holidays bring much with them, including celebrations, decorations and unfortunately, potential hazards for our pets. Make sure this holiday season...

Cat and Dog Holiday Care
The holidays are coming. Time to relax, celebrate, and to spend time with family and friends. Time to eat, exchange gifts, and eat some more. This is great for you and your crew, but what about your four-legged kids? After all, they too, are part of the family and you...

Cold Weather Tips for Dogs
Despite the popular misconception, fur alone is not enough to protect dogs from the elements. The fact is that, much like people, dogs have varying degrees of tolerance when it comes to temperature extremes. Even the hardiest breeds are susceptible to hypothermia and...