At Point Grey Veterinary Hospital, we love sharing information and educating our clients! Check back frequently for new posts containing helpful pet information!

Signs Your Pet Could Be in an Emergency
How to Recognize a Winter Pet Emergency Summertime comes with a host of hazards for pets, but colder weather also brings its own dangers. As the temperature drops, watch out for the following issues that can require emergency care for your furry pal. Antifreeze...

Helpful Low-Effort Exercises for Senior Pets
3 Easy Low-Impact Exercises for Senior Pets As your furry pal grows older, regular exercise is critical to help them maintain healthy muscle mass and body condition. However, the same activities your pet enjoyed when they were younger can create too much stress on...

How to Spot Hypothermia in Your Pet
How to Spot Hypothermia in Your Pet The temperatures may drop, but your furry pal still wants to go outdoors to play, exercise, and eliminate. However, wet snow, melting ice, and frigid temperatures can lead to hypothermia in your pet, despite their fur coat. ...

Foreign Bodies in Pets
Foreign Bodies in Pets We’ve all had that *mini heart attack moment* when our furry friend has inhaled an unknown object off the ground. Our pets can be super quick and will often eat anything they deem worthy enough to be in their bellies! Our pets use...

What to Do If You Find a Lump on Your Pet: Advice from Your Vet
Lumps and Bumps in Pets: When You Should Be Concerned Since approximately 1 in 4 pets will develop cancer at some stage in their life, it is essential to know how to spot potential warning signs. This month, our team wants to bring awareness to one of the most common...

5 Signs Your Pet May Be Suffering from Pet Diabetes
Spot Check: 5 Diabetes Signs in Pets By learning how to spot the following signs of pet diabetes, you can help them get the treatment they need to provide the best possible prognosis. #1: Your pet is losing weight unexpectedly Pets who are overweight or obese...

5 Tips to Ensure Your Senior Pet Stays Mobile
5 Ways to Help Your Senior Pet Remain Mobile As your pet ages, it likely will experience stiff, achy joints caused by osteoarthritis. Fortunately, you have many options to help keep your senior pet active and mobile throughout its golden years. Give the following...

5 Ways to Keep Your Pet Safe Inside and Outside Your Home
How to Keep Your Pet Safe Inside and Outside Your Home Your pet’s sense of curiosity and smell can land them in a heap of trouble if you don’t take precautions. In honour of National Animal Safety and Protection Month, our team shares tips on how to keep your furry...

Reasons That Can Cause Diarrhea in Dogs
3 Reasons Your Dog Has Diarrhea Nothing makes a pet owner rise from their bed more quickly in the middle of the night than the unmistakable sound—and smell—of their dog having diarrhea. While this occurrence may prompt you to turn to Google for middle-of-the-night...

3 Back-to-School Transition Tips for Your Pet
Back-to-School Time for Pets: 3 Transition Tips Making the switch from summer to school can be rough for all family members, four-legged ones included. To help make the back-to-school transition easier—for your pet, at least—give the following tips a try. #1:...